Monday, October 25, 2010

busy bee...

my poor blog. i have so much to post about. the opening of the cuba show was awesome. right smack dab in the middle of that came a job to print 5000 business cards...which is a lot. special thanks to markles who kept me company, brought me dinner and got the penguins game to play over the speakers, in the studio. this is what 5000 business cards looks like:

yes. quite a few. but this brought in the final dollar amount for our tickets to spain. finally! a honeymoon!

ok, more pics soon!


sethmad said...

Congratulations on your work and hitting your Spain goal. Spain is nice. I like the idea of you two going to Spain. Spain.

Work said...

yahoo! spain! sounds lovely. when are you taking off?

Shannon said...

we're looking at march! it's been along time coming, fer sure.

Unknown said...

Fantastico! Spain! I'm so excited for you two! Maybe a travel blog!? I know it'll be worth reading...Don't forget us. All I can say - Museo Del Jamon.