Monday, February 21, 2011

the busy season...

My poor blog has been neglected (I'm sorry, Roger!!) But it's Small Farm Central's busy season (farmers aren't farming! they're planning their crops, getting their CSAs in order, and getting their websites created). The phone has literally been ringing off the hook...not a moment to get a blog post in!

Which reminds me...are YOU signed up for a CSA yet? (Community Sustainable Agriculture). It's the best way to get the best veggies/meat/eggs around, all while supporting your local farmer.

This last weekend was busy, too, what with Holly's baby shower on Saturday (Charla and I spent a fun day at the bookstore gathering all our favorite books to add to the new collection..the kid is also set with his very own library card.

Special thanks to Fiona, who brought back the requested Frankie magazine from Australia. It had a fun insert inside that I used to make an envelope.

Mark and I are furiously prepping for Spain, which approaches quickly! But LaCrosse happens next weekend (a farming conference) and New York the weekend after (it's been a while since Jennifer and I ate our way across the village!)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Phew! Just last night I was mourning your neglected blog and wondering how many more times I had to see you so excited in front of those damned guns.

Spain. So close!