Well, apparently, he's worlds worst house guest. Thanks, Brian.
He ate all our mayo. And our cheese. and Mark's leftover thai food. JERK.
Here he is drinking the last beer. And watching a Monk Marathon on Lifetime. He knows how much I hate Monk.
Here is he his, arguing with Mark. Apparently he's a Packers fan AND a scienctologist.
And here. Well. He straight up punched me. For no reason. That's going to leave a mark.
You were probably taunting football robot. You know better than that. But I'm glad to see F.R. made himself at home.
My apologies guys. He was only in our hosue for one day but he managed to terrorize the cat and kill two houseplants. How many times do you have to tell a damn robot to PLEASE PEE OUTSIDE!
i think - no wait, i KNOW, i just peed in my pants. yer killin' me.
I'm waiting for the day when the Fox NFL Robot discovers how to "emotionally" terrorize its victims. Then I'll pay it the respect it demands.
Hi back.
i have one of those. he just stands in the hallway, hopping now and then, and then jiggles his little robot legs. and THAT'S ALL. jerk.
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