After an emotional day at work, it is so nice to, well, be productive and have a task, work hard, get it done and drink beer afterward. It's this sense of accomplishment, and maybe it's connected with working with my hands, that i feel like i crave more and more each day. I know I'm not alone, in this search, to find contentment with my daily job. But there are days when it feels like it. I'm grateful that there are places like East End..good people...good work...good beer.
Ask your favorite bar to put East End on tap! (how funny would it be if Scott started getting calls from Seattle and Portland..)
That looks so fun! (One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me.)
how fun! carter will love that. you should bring us some of that tasty brew when you come to visit us after the baby comes (HINT! HINT!). have you re-designed their labels yet? =)
That looks really fun, I'm so glad you could do that! And yes, hooray for being able to use our hands. I love that too!
I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves, and thanks for posting some pics!
Your comments about the satisfaction that comes from doing something with your hands are right on. That's part of what drove me from my life as an engineer in a Fortune 500 company to a guy making beer in a warehouse in Homewood. But I have a tendency to forget about that in the midst of all the day to day stuff. Thanks for the reminder - and for all of your help too!
East End Brewing
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