Monday, February 11, 2013

The First Month...

Mark and I still say 'that's our baby. we have a baby.' we can't believe that she's here and we're doing parent-y stuff, like talking about dirty diapers and cleaning throw up, like we've done it a million times before. I'm relieved that she's eating and gaining weight (we're up to 10lbs!); Mark has been busy playing every type of music for her (soul/funk is a current favorite; he insists that she likes death metal. i make sure to blast Cat Stevens and John Denver when he's out, just to even the playing field.)

Thanks to all who have written (emails, cards and txts during the long wait at the hospital)...will try my best to keep you all posted on our journey!


Lindsay said...

AAAAAGGGHHHHHH! She's just so damn cute. It's high time I meet her.

Work said...

she's beautiful! how can it be a month already? much love-