Friday, August 15, 2008

strange town...

yesterday, i trekked down the street I work on, seeking out a place to have a beer and read my book. Carson street is similar to Pioneer Square at night...tons of bars..tons of college kids, their hats askew. But during the day, it's not so bad. And I appreciate the character of the old buildings and the tiny main street that runs through it. It was teaming with people, getting off work...but it didn't matter how crowded it was. I felt utterly alone. As well as an oddity amongst all the steeler jerseys and the women really dressed up, in teetering WHITE heels.(ugh.)

From far away, I saw a man jogging towards me, and for a split second, I thought it was an old college friend...same hair, same body type. But as he grew nearer, it was obvious that it wasn't him. I began day-dreaming..'What if it WAS him?' I would probably have screamed and hugged him and maybe started crying a little bit. This happens quite often, actually. I'll see someone across the street..or walking in front of me...and they look JUST like a friend back home. Or I'll see a car, like the one that a friend drives, and it will actually make me homesick.

I suppose this isn't news to people who move around alot. Or perhaps stuff like this doesn't really happen to those who have lived away from their hometown for the majority of their lives. Maybe my thick skin will finally form and the rest of my time here, won't be filled with these kinds of thoughts. But it's hard to tell...

Anywho...I'll be checking out the International Pinball Competition this weekend. Sure to be a blog post about that.

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