this weekend, i checked out the World Pinball Championships (yes..i said WORLD championships)...located just outside Pittsburgh. I've never seen so many pinball machines. special thanks to sophie and seth for being brave and joining me for the adventure. no flash photography in the warehouse, so bear with the weird pictures...

One corner of the warehouse.

Detail of a cool old pinball machine.

Nice stance.
Dear God. Do you think he worked with a physical therapist on that stance? Geesh.
And did he catch you taking a picture of his ass, or is that normal at the WORLD Pinball Championships??
so, did you WIN? i know you have been brushing up your skills...
i love it that the world championship was in the burg of all places. oh pittsburgh - you are so full or surprises. =)
fun chatting with you this weekend - look forward to catching up more this week.
he was far too involved to notice that i was taking a picture of picture doesn't even do him justice on how weird he was about carpal tunnel of the spine...
OK, now I wish you would have run around taking photos of all stances...WORLD championships...there's got to be a WORLD of unlikely stances...
I love you guys. You're comments totally made me laugh.
Miss you guys!
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